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Nov 13

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Uma empresa internacional de treinamento in company focada em ajudar organizações de grande porte a impulsionar receita, capacitando e inspirando seus talentos à alta performance.

Nov 12


Em contexto de crise
financeira mundial, Victor Lugli cria a Prática NeuroIndutiva®  , paradigma de habilidades avançadas de influência, com a intenção de moldar uma abordagem de máxima eficiência às dinâmicas de negócios.

Em contexto de crise financeira mundial,
Victor Lugli cria a
Prática NeuroIndutiva®  , paradigma de habilidades avançadas de influência, com a intenção de moldar uma abordagem de máxima eficiência às dinâmicas
de negócios.

Em contexto de crise financeira mundial, Victor Lugli cria a Prática NeuroIndutiva®  , paradigma de habilidades avançadas de influência, com a intenção de moldar uma abordagem de máxima eficiência às dinâmicas de negócios.

Em contexto de crise financeira mundial, Victor Lugli cria a Prática NeuroIndutiva®  , paradigma de habilidades avançadas de influência, com a intenção de moldar uma abordagem de máxima eficiência às dinâmicas de negócios.

In un contesto di crisi finanziaria globale, Victor Lugli crea la Pratica NeuroInduttiva®  , paradigma di abilità avanzate di influenza, con l’intenzione di plasmare un approccio di massima efficienza alle dinamiche di affari.

In un contesto di crisi finanziaria globale, Victor Lugli crea la Pratica NeuroInduttiva®  , paradigma di abilità avanzate di influenza, con l’intenzione di plasmare un approccio di massima efficienza alle dinamiche di affari.

In un contesto di crisi finanziaria globale, Victor Lugli crea la Pratica NeuroInduttiva®  , paradigma di abilità avanzate di influenza, con l’intenzione di plasmare un approccio di massima efficienza alle dinamiche di affari.

In un contesto di crisi finanziaria globale, Victor Lugli crea la Pratica NeuroInduttiva®  , paradigma di abilità avanzate di influenza, con l’intenzione di plasmare un approccio di massima efficienza alle dinamiche di affari.

Within a context of global financial crisis, Victor Lugli creates NeuroInductive Practice®  , a paradigm of advanced influence skills, with the intention of shaping an approach of maximum efficiency to the business dynamics.

Within a context of global financial crisis, Victor Lugli creates NeuroInductive Practice®  , a paradigm of advanced influence skills, with the intention of shaping an approach of maximum efficiency to the business dynamics.

Within a context of global financial crisis, Victor Lugli creates NeuroInductive Practice®  , a paradigm of advanced influence skills, with the intention of shaping an approach of maximum efficiency to the business dynamics.

Within a context of global financial crisis, Victor Lugli creates NeuroInductive Practice®  , a paradigm of advanced influence skills, with the intention of shaping an approach of maximum efficiency to the business dynamics.

Nov 12


A Prática NeuroIndutiva®
é aplicada pela primeira vez
pela Icarus Investimenti no âmbito de negociações para o desenvolvimento imobiliário.

A Prática NeuroIndutiva®   é aplicada pela primeira vez pela Icarus Investimenti no âmbito de negociações para o desenvolvimento imobiliário.

A Prática NeuroIndutiva®   é aplicada pela primeira vez pela Icarus Investimenti no âmbito de negociações para o desenvolvimento imobiliário.

A Prática NeuroIndutiva®   é aplicada pela primeira vez pela Icarus Investimenti no âmbito de negociações para o desenvolvimento imobiliário.

La Pratica NeuroInduttiva®   viene applicata per la prima volta dalla Icarus Investimenti nell’ambito di negoziazioni per lo sviluppo immobiliare.

La Pratica NeuroInduttiva®   viene applicata per la prima volta dalla Icarus Investimenti nell’ambito di negoziazioni per lo sviluppo immobiliare.

La Pratica NeuroInduttiva®   viene applicata per la prima volta dalla Icarus Investimenti nell’ambito di negoziazioni per lo sviluppo immobiliare.

La Pratica NeuroInduttiva®   viene applicata per la prima volta dalla Icarus Investimenti nell’ambito di negoziazioni per lo sviluppo immobiliare.

NeuroInductive Practice®   is applied for the first time by Icarus Investimenti within the scope of negotiations for the real estate development.

NeuroInductive Practice®   is applied for the first time by Icarus Investimenti within the scope of negotiations for the real estate development.

NeuroInductive Practice®   is applied for the first time by Icarus Investimenti within the scope of negotiations for the real estate development.

NeuroInductive Practice®   is applied for the first time by Icarus Investimenti within the scope of negotiations for the real estate development.

Nov 12


Constitui-se na Itália o
Lugli Group, que incorpora
a Icarus Investimenti. Nasce a
Lugli Corporate Training e com ela as primeiras aplicações da Prática NeuroIndutiva®   no âmbito da capacitação corporativa para
executivos C-Level.

Constitui-se na Itália o Lugli Group, que incorpora a Icarus Investimenti. Nasce a Lugli Corporate Training e com ela as primeiras aplicações da Prática NeuroIndutiva®   no âmbito da capacitação corporativa para
executivos C-Level.

Constitui-se na Itália o Lugli Group, que incorpora a Icarus Investimenti. Nasce a Lugli Corporate Training e com ela as primeiras aplicações da Prática NeuroIndutiva®   no âmbito da capacitação corporativa para executivos C-Level.

Constitui-se na Itália o Lugli Group, que incorpora a Icarus Investimenti. Nasce a Lugli Corporate Training e com ela as primeiras aplicações da Prática NeuroIndutiva®   no âmbito da capacitação corporativa para executivos C-Level.

In Italia viene costituito il Lugli Group, che incorpora la Icarus Investimenti. Nasce la Lugli Corporate Training, e con essa le prime applicazioni della Pratica NeuroInduttiva®   nell’ambito della formazione aziendale per amministratori C-Level.

In Italia viene costituito il Lugli Group, che incorpora la Icarus Investimenti. Nasce la Lugli Corporate Training, e con essa le prime applicazioni della Pratica NeuroInduttiva®   nell’ambito della formazione aziendale per amministratori C-Level.

In Italia viene costituito il Lugli Group, che incorpora la Icarus Investimenti. Nasce la Lugli Corporate Training, e con essa le prime applicazioni della Pratica NeuroInduttiva®   nell’ambito della formazione aziendale per amministratori C-Level.

In Italia viene costituito il Lugli Group, che incorpora la Icarus Investimenti. Nasce la Lugli Corporate Training, e con essa le prime applicazioni della Pratica NeuroInduttiva®   nell’ambito della formazione aziendale per amministratori C-Level.

The Lugli Group is constituted in Italy, incorporating Icarus Investimenti. Lugli Corporate Training arises and with it the first applications of NeuroInductive Practice®   within the scope of corporate training to C-Level executives.

The Lugli Group is constituted in Italy, incorporating Icarus Investimenti. Lugli Corporate Training arises and with it the first applications of NeuroInductive Practice®   within the scope of corporate training to C-Level executives.

The Lugli Group is constituted in Italy, incorporating Icarus Investimenti. Lugli Corporate Training arises and with it the first applications of NeuroInductive Practice®   within the scope of corporate training to C-Level executives.

The Lugli Group is constituted in Italy, incorporating Icarus Investimenti. Lugli Corporate Training arises and with it the first applications of NeuroInductive Practice®   within the scope of corporate training to C-Level executives.

Nov 12


Primeiros esforços de responsabilidade social na Líbia, através da ministração de conteúdos de comunicação estratégica
para jovens em condições
sociais vulneráveis.

Primeiros esforços de responsabilidade social na Líbia, através da ministração de conteúdos de comunicação estratégica para jovens em condições sociais vulneráveis.

Primeiros esforços de responsabilidade social na Líbia, através da ministração de conteúdos de comunicação estratégica para jovens em
condições sociais vulneráveis.

Primeiros esforços de responsabilidade social na Líbia, através da ministração de conteúdos de comunicação estratégica para jovens em condições sociais vulneráveis.

Primi sforzi di responsabilità sociale in Libia, attraverso la presentazione di contenuti di comunicazione strategica a giovani in condizioni sociali vulnerabili.

Primi sforzi di responsabilità sociale in Libia, attraverso la presentazione di contenuti di comunicazione strategica a giovani in condizioni sociali vulnerabili.

Primi sforzi di responsabilità sociale in Libia, attraverso la presentazione di contenuti di comunicazione strategica a giovani in condizioni sociali vulnerabili.

Primi sforzi di responsabilità sociale in Libia, attraverso la presentazione di contenuti di comunicazione strategica a giovani in condizioni sociali vulnerabili.

First efforts of social responsibility in Libya, through the delivery of strategic communication content to young people under vulnerable social conditions.

First efforts of social responsibility in Libya, through the delivery of strategic communication content to young people under vulnerable social conditions.

First efforts of social responsibility in Libya, through the delivery of strategic communication content to young people under vulnerable social conditions.

First efforts of social responsibility in Libya, through the delivery of strategic communication content to young people under vulnerable social conditions.

Nov 12


Início das capacitações
C-Level no segmento financeiro internacional, através de atuações em Mônaco, Liechtenstein
e Suíça.

Início das capacitações
C-Level no segmento financeiro internacional, através de atuações em Mônaco, Liechtenstein
e Suíça.

Início das capacitações C-Level no segmento financeiro internacional, através de atuações em Mônaco, Liechtenstein e Suíça.

Início das capacitações C-Level no segmento financeiro internacional, através de atuações em Mônaco, Liechtenstein e Suíça.

Inizio della formazione C-Level nel segmento finanziario internazionale, attraverso attuazioni in Monaco, Liechtenstein e Svizzera.

Inizio della formazione C-Level nel segmento finanziario internazionale, attraverso attuazioni in Monaco, Liechtenstein e Svizzera.

Inizio della formazione C-Level nel segmento finanziario internazionale, attraverso attuazioni in Monaco, Liechtenstein e Svizzera.

Inizio della formazione C-Level nel segmento finanziario internazionale, attraverso attuazioni in Monaco, Liechtenstein e Svizzera.

Starting of the C-level training in the international financial segment, through operations in Monaco, Liechtenstein and Switzerland.

Starting of the C-level training in the international financial segment, through operations in Monaco, Liechtenstein and Switzerland.

Starting of the C-level training in the international financial segment, through operations in Monaco, Liechtenstein and Switzerland.

Starting of the C-level training in the international financial segment, through operations in Monaco, Liechtenstein and Switzerland.

Nov 12


Início das atividades
no mercado canadense, através
das facilitações do CETA – Comprehensive Economic and
Trade Agreement

Início das atividades no mercado canadense, através das facilitações do CETA – Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement.

Início das atividades no mercado canadense, através das facilitações do CETA – Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement.

Início das atividades no mercado canadense, através das facilitações do CETA – Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement.

Inizio delle attività nel mercato canadese, attraverso le facilitazioni del CETA – Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement.

Inizio delle attività nel mercato canadese, attraverso le facilitazioni del CETA – Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement.

Inizio delle attività nel mercato canadese, attraverso le facilitazioni del CETA – Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement.

Inizio delle attività nel mercato canadese, attraverso le facilitazioni del CETA – Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement.

Starting of activities in the Canadian market, through the facilitations of CETA – Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement.

Starting of activities in the Canadian market, through the facilitations of CETA – Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement.

Starting of activities in the Canadian market, through the facilitations of CETA – Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement.

Starting of activities in the Canadian market, through the facilitations of CETA – Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement.

Nov 12


Abertura das atividades
no Brasil, com relativa adaptação
dos programas de capacitação ao mercado brasileiro. Conclusão do processo integral de rebranding
e início da presença ativa da
empresa na social media.

Abertura das atividades no Brasil, com relativa adaptação dos programas de capacitação ao mercado brasileiro. Conclusão do processo integral de rebranding e início da presença ativa da empresa
na social media.

Abertura das atividades no Brasil, com relativa adaptação dos programas de capacitação ao mercado brasileiro. Conclusão do processo integral de rebranding e início da presença ativa
da empresa na social media.

Abertura das atividades no Brasil, com relativa adaptação dos programas de capacitação ao mercado brasileiro. Conclusão do processo integral de rebranding e início da presença ativa da empresa na social media.

Apertura delle attività in Brasile, con relativo adattamento dei programmi di formazione al mercato brasiliano. Conclusione del processo integrale di rebranding ed inizio della presenza attiva dell’azienda nei social media.

Apertura delle attività in Brasile, con relativo adattamento dei programmi di formazione al mercato brasiliano. Conclusione del processo integrale di rebranding ed inizio della presenza attiva dell’azienda nei social media.

Apertura delle attività in Brasile, con relativo adattamento dei programmi di formazione al mercato brasiliano. Conclusione del processo integrale di rebranding ed inizio della presenza attiva dell’azienda nei social media.

Apertura delle attività in Brasile, con relativo adattamento dei programmi di formazione al mercato brasiliano. Conclusione del processo integrale di rebranding ed inizio della presenza attiva dell’azienda nei social media.

Opening of activities in Brazil, with relative adaptation of the training programs to the Brazilian market. Conclusion of the full process of rebranding and starting of an active presence of the company in the social media.

Opening of activities in Brazil, with relative adaptation of the training programs to the Brazilian market. Conclusion of the full process of rebranding and starting of an active presence of the company in the social media.

Opening of activities in Brazil, with relative adaptation of the training programs to the Brazilian market. Conclusion of the full process of rebranding and starting of an active presence of the company in the social media.

Opening of activities in Brazil, with relative adaptation of the training programs to the Brazilian market. Conclusion of the full process of rebranding and starting of an active presence of the company in the social media.


Honoured by Science. Awarded by Business.

Honoured by Science. Awarded by Business.

Excellence in Contribution to
the Science

Excellence in Contribution to the


Distinzione del Made In Italy
nel Mondo

Camera di Commercio e dell’Industria di Verona, Italia

ECNS - Electroencephalography and Clinical Neuroscience Society
ISNIP - International Society for Neuroimaging in Psychiatry
ISBET - International Society for Brain Electromagnetic Topography

ECNS - Electroencephalography and Clinical
Neuroscience Society
ISNIP - International Society for Neuroimaging in Psychiatry
ISBET - International Society for Brain
Electromagnetic Topography


Camera di Commercio e dell’Industria di Verona, Italia

Marie Curie

European Union Commission


McMaster University, Toronto, Canada


2002 World Congress


2005 World Congress

HBM - Organization of Human Brain Mapping


Honoured by Science. Awarded by Business.

Honoured by Science. Awarded by Business.

Excellence in Contribution to
the Science

ECNS - Electroencephalography and Clinical Neuroscience Society
ISNIP - International Society for Neuroimaging in Psychiatry
ISBET - International Society for Brain Electromagnetic Topography


ECNS - Electroencephalography and Clinical Neuroscience Society
ISNIP - International Society for Neuroimaging in Psychiatry
ISBET - International Society for Brain Electromagnetic Topography

Distinzione del Made In Italy
nel Mondo

Camera di Commercio e dell’Industria di Verona, Italia


Camera di Commercio e dell’Industria di Verona, Italia

Marie Curie

European Union Commission


McMaster University, Toronto, Canada


2002 World Congress
HBM - Organization of Human
Brain Mapping


2002 World Congress
HBM - Organization of Human Brain Mapping


2005 World Congress
HBM - Organization of Human
Brain Mapping


2005 World Congress
HBM - Organization of Human Brain Mapping

Victor Lugli
[email protected]
Carlos Torres
[email protected]
Alfredo Brancucci
[email protected]
Emanuele Blasioli
[email protected]
Paulo H. Quintana
[email protected]
Sandra Ricciuti
[email protected]
Giuliana Lucci
[email protected]
Antonio Radicchio
[email protected]
Michele Paroni
[email protected]
Dandara Sevilhano
[email protected]

Victor Lugli

ITAB – Istituto di Tecnologie Avanzate Biomediche, Chieti, Italia
Universitá di Padova, Italia
Universitá ‘d’Annunzio’ di Chieti e Pescara, Italia
Saint Paul Business School, São Paulo, Brasil

Excellence in Contribution to the Science


ECNS - Electroencephalography and Clinical Neuroscience Society
ISNIP - International Society for Neuroimaging in Psychiatry
ISBET - International Society for Brain Electromagnetic Topography

Carlos Torres

Universitá di Roma ‘Sapienza’, Italia
USP - Universidade de São Paulo, Brasil
Fundação Vanzolini, São Paulo, Brasil

Sandra Ricciuti

Universitá di Roma ‘Sapienza’, Italia USP - Universidade de São Paulo, Brasil Fundação Vanzolini, São Paulo, Brasil

Distinzione del Made In Italy nel Mondo


Camera di Commercio e dell’Industria di Verona, Italia

Alfredo Brancucci

Scripps Research Institute, San Diego, USA Universitá ‘Sapienza’ di Roma, Italia Aalborg Universitet, Denmark IRCCS - Istituto di Ricovero e Cura a Carattere Scientifico Fondazione Santa Lucia, Roma, Italia SISSA – Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati, Trieste, Italia ITAB – Istituto di Tecnologie Avanzate Biomediche, Chieti, Italia Universitá di Pisa, Italia Universitá ‘d’Annunzio’ di Chieti e Pescara, Italia




Giuliana Lucci

IRCCS - Istituto di Ricovero e Cura a Carattere Scientifico Fondazione Santa Lucia, Roma, Italia
ITAB – Istituto di Tecnologie Avanzate Biomediche, Chieti, Italia
Fondazione Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico Mangiagalli e Regina Elena, Milano, Italia
Scuola di Specializzazione in Neuropsicologia Universitaria ‘Sapienza’, Roma, Italia
Universidade do Porto, Portugal
Dipartimento Medicina Sperimentale - Università degli Studi de L’Aquila, Italia
Università Cattolica di Milano, Italia
Università di Roma “Sapienza”, Roma, Italia
Università “Roma Tre” - Dipartimento di Fisica – Roma, Italia
IUSM di Roma, Italia
Universitá ‘d’Annunzio’ di Chieti e Pescara, Italia
IRRCS - Istituto di Ricovero e Cura a Carattere Scientifico Sant’Anna, Crotone, Italia
Università degli Studi “G. Marconi”, Roma, Italia
Università Pontificia Salesiana, Roma, Italia
Libera Università Maria SS Assunta, Roma, Italia
Università degli Studi della Basilicata, Italia
Università di Genova, Italia

Victor Lugli

Victor Lugli

Victor Lugli

Victor Lugli

Victor Lugli

Victor Lugli

Victor Lugli
[email protected]
Sandra Ricciuti
[email protected]
Carlos Torres
[email protected]
Alfredo Brancucci
[email protected]
Giuliana Lucci
[email protected]
Emanuele Blasioli
[email protected]
Antonio Radicchio
[email protected]
Paulo H. Quintana
[email protected]
Michele Paroni
[email protected]
Dandara Sevilhano
[email protected]







We assume our Social Responsibility through humanitarian initiatives, whether independent or in partnerships, with the scope of globally disseminating knowledge to children and teenagers, who suffer the most with the unequal distribution of opportunities. Strongly committed to the rebalance of vulnerable social conditions, we offer contents of excellence of NeuroInductive Practice®  , created to implement skills in large-sized corporate contexts, and we adapt it to young people, making them able to face challenging dialogues for this age group, such as job or academic interviews, as well as to develop basic dialectical skills. Exciting results are reached regarding verbal agility, strategic capacity and self-confidence.


We consider the environment a conditioning factor in the exercise and development of our activities. Our Environmental Responsibility is expressed through the identification of the environmental aspects determined by our acts, not only from the perspective of satisfying our clients’ and partners’ demands and the legislative provisions, but also from the requirements of environmental protection, with a constructive attitude in relation to the issues linked to the environment. In particular, we undertake to: manage all business activities in full compliance with national and international laws and regulations; optimize the use of natural resources through the rational and efficient exploitation of energy and materials; assume our environmental principles as criteria for supplier selection.


We assume our Social Responsibility through humanitarian initiatives, whether independent or in partnerships, with the scope of globally disseminating knowledge to children and teenagers, who suffer the most with the unequal distribution of opportunities. Strongly committed to the rebalance of vulnerable social conditions, we offer contents of excellence of NeuroInductive Practice®  , created to implement skills in large-sized corporate contexts, and we adapt it to young people, making them able to face challenging dialogues for this age group, such as job or academic interviews, as well as to develop basic dialectical skills. Exciting results are reached regarding verbal agility, strategic capacity and self-confidence.


We consider the environment a conditioning factor in the exercise and development of our activities. Our Environmental Responsibility is expressed through the identification of the environmental aspects determined by our acts, not only from the perspective of satisfying our clients’ and partners’ demands and the legislative provisions, but also from the requirements of environmental protection, with a constructive attitude in relation to the issues linked to the environment. In particular, we undertake to: manage all business activities in full compliance with national and international laws and regulations; optimize the use of natural resources through the rational and efficient exploitation of energy and materials; assume our environmental principles as criteria for supplier selection.


We assume our Social Responsibility through humanitarian initiatives, whether independent or in partnerships, with the scope of globally disseminating knowledge to children and teenagers, who suffer the most with the unequal distribution of opportunities. Strongly committed to the rebalance of vulnerable social conditions, we offer contents of excellence of NeuroInductive Practice®  , created to implement skills in large-sized corporate contexts, and we adapt it to young people, making them able to face challenging dialogues for this age group, such as job or academic interviews, as well as to develop basic dialectical skills. Exciting results are reached regarding verbal agility, strategic capacity and self-confidence.


We assume our Social Responsibility through humanitarian initiatives, whether independent or in partnerships, with the scope of globally disseminating knowledge to children and teenagers, who suffer the most with the unequal distribution of opportunities. Strongly committed to the rebalance of vulnerable social conditions, we offer contents of excellence of NeuroInductive Practice®  , created to implement skills in large-sized corporate contexts, and we adapt it to young people, making them able to face challenging dialogues for this age group, such as job or academic interviews, as well as to develop basic dialectical skills. Exciting results are reached regarding verbal agility, strategic capacity and self-confidence.


We consider the environment a conditioning factor in the exercise and development of our activities. Our Environmental Responsibility is expressed through the identification of the environmental aspects determined by our acts, not only from the perspective of satisfying our clients’ and partners’ demands and the legislative provisions, but also from the requirements of environmental protection, with a constructive attitude in relation to the issues linked to the environment. In particular, we undertake to: manage all business activities in full compliance with national and international laws and regulations; optimize the use of natural resources through the rational and efficient exploitation of energy and materials; assume our environmental principles as criteria for supplier selection.


We consider the environment a conditioning factor in the exercise and development of our activities. Our Environmental Responsibility is expressed through the identification of the environmental aspects determined by our acts, not only from the perspective of satisfying our clients’ and partners’ demands and the legislative provisions, but also from the requirements of environmental protection, with a constructive attitude in relation to the issues linked to the environment. In particular, we undertake to: manage all business activities in full compliance with national and international laws and regulations; optimize the use of natural resources through the rational and efficient exploitation of energy and materials; assume our environmental principles as criteria for supplier selection.

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